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What is wrong with the Federal Government???? Serious Post

Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum For Non-Auto Topics' started by PrecisionTurboMustang, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Traction Issuez

    Jan 30, 2003
    Cut spending - Cut it where? Defense? Stop paying troops? Stop buying bullets? No more tanks? No more GI bill? No more spousal benefits for military families?
    Cut entitlements - So no more benefits for veterans? All the people who paid into SS no longer get theirs? Pell grants?
    Cut illegal immigrants - How do you recommend they round up 11 million people? Once they get them, then what? Wouldn't that require more spending? I mean it's going to cost money to pay people to round up their own relatives.
    Cut career politicians - More fond of amature night every two years? Just because they know what they're doing they aren't good enough or just because they don't agree with you they're not good enough?
    Cut universal healthcare - To everyone over 65? Then what? They just go to the emergency room and wait to die because they don't can't afford their medication? Or when they fall and break their hip do the doctors just stand at the door with a bandaid?

    It's not cut and dry
  2. flash

    Apr 22, 2005
  3. Turbod_86_stang

    Sep 13, 2004
    Well I could say end the Federal Reserve but its doing a good job of doing that itself. We could start by ending the wars, abolish entire departments like education, agricuture, homeland secuirty, energy... etc. Entitlements need massive reform and we can't just say CUT IT after we have entire generations dependant on it, but they should be the last thing to be cut without some type of real reform. But I have to ask, do you dispute my claims about the inflationary system we are in?? I mean we are now the largest debtor nation in the history of the world...
  4. 10secgoal

    Jan 29, 2005
    I think it's more cut and dry than most want to believe (those in office)

    How about no bailouts for fuck ups ? Jesus that alone put us in a hole we'll probably never recover from. How about welfare ad unemployment ? Drug testing alone would cause people to shoot themselves in the foot. Price of a drug test would save us TONS. Stop extending unemployment. Find a job. It's not my responsibility to keep others on their feet for 2 years.

    Fuck. This is the easiest one of all of them. They come in for free health care. Help them because you have to, then deport their ass. Ask Everyone for papers just like they do in every other country but this one. Black white brown, don't give a fuck. Blanket it so it's not profiling. ASK EVERYONE. When there's a call for an accident, and they don't have insurance, ask them if they are US citizens, show papers. Ask ME how may times I have been hit by a non English speaking illegal with no ins.

    They were good enough before they started scratching each others backs. Other qualified personal are always their to replace them. There is a standard for the president and his eligibility for term, everyone else's should be also.

    Leave it the way it is, at least for now. Cut our loses on this abortion of healthcare change. You can't make it mandatory. B. It's fucking the rest of us that own business's. They are going to make us jump thru hoops because they are trying to find more revenue to fund their abortion.

    Got dammit Flash. Got to it before me. Damn post took me 2hrs to do with customers coming in lol
  5. Traction Issuez

    Jan 30, 2003
    Oh hell no, don't dispute it whatsoever. Just get tired of people telling me how terrible everything is and then either making drastic unrealistic statements like "we're going back to the gold standard" or "cut entitlement programs" or send immigrants back to where they came from" with no means whatsoever of it ever coming to fruition. I firmly believe that the financial climate is impossible to sustain and I'm sorry but the political climate absolutely must change before anything can be done about it. Without the elusive super majority there is absofuckinglutely nothing that can be done. Campaign contributions and partisan bullshit combined with those damn filibusters make forward progress impossible because for every person you have standing in front yelling at the top of his vioce, "Yes we can" you have the partisan opposite screaming louder "HELL NO YOU CAN'T"
  6. Traction Issuez

    Jan 30, 2003
    How about no bailouts for fuckups? Fine by me. It was done as a necessity, it's over. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac seem poised to keel over in the very near future. No more 30 year loans, no more 6% home loan interest rates. Hope ya like it.
    How about welfare? Make no mistake, I am not a fan of welfare. I have a job, health insurance comes out of my paycheck both from my employer and from the gummit. I would rather have that money. But, and I want to make sure this is very clear, there are people on welfare who have NO OTHER OPTION, for whatever reason they cannot survive. For those who are riding the tit, fuck em. Send them a bill because I sure as hell don't want to pay it anymore. Drug testing for benefits? No arguments. However I want you to take into account that when dubya sent out those stimulus checks to everyone, it costed $30 million just to send the letters out to people, telling them they were getting checks. Drug tests don't happen by themselves. Stop extending unemployment? I've made my stance clear about the employment environment.

    Illegals. Really? You put your name on that one, as a human being I can't make that broad stroke saying, "no papers? get on the bus"

    The danger is that you get things like what happened recently with these tea party fucks who politically and ideologically just want to shut down the government.

    Leave it the way it is for now has been the motto for 30 fucking years, something had to be done.
  7. Turbod_86_stang

    Sep 13, 2004
    Agreed. I just happen to think that what will bring us to that point is a massive loss of purchasing power with the Dollar. The "what are you going to do for me?" generation (mine) will have a hard time accepting the fact the a generation worth of wealth, or more, has been bled out of the country. Prosperity without work is a dream of the ages.
  8. 10secgoal

    Jan 29, 2005
    It wasn't a necessity. It was money we didn't have, delayed theinevitable with a price too high. Even though it's done and "over", this is just an example of their irresponsibility, and one of the many things that can be cut. QUIT GIVING AWAY MONEY. Why is that such a hard concept to understand for them ?
    I'm fine with loan rates and shorter loans, and have thought about it. The prices of of houses would plummet because you can't stretch it out as long. Flipping houses would not be worth it, and none of this would have happened. Personally I think housing is 90% of the reason for inflation. When you have more money left over after a mortgage, you have more to go out and blow on dumb shit. The dumb shit easily bought, goes up in price and so does everything else.

    Yup. Ask me if I give a fuck. Ask me how many vehicles I have had damaged be an illegal, or vehicles broken into by them. Yes, I know they are illegal because when they get caught, it comes up in court. Ask me how many of them you see in emergency rooms, or my wife how many there are, getting free health care while here on "student visa's" State paying for dumb shit like 20k wheel chairs, to the tune of of 10 billion a year.
    Sorry that my bleeding heart went away when I got a job and had to start fending for myself, and paying taxes. Anyone who has a shitty country does not reserve the right to come here and get shit for free, that I can't, and have to pay for. Go through the proper channels. If you are caught after sneaking in, you get the boot. for as much as it costs us as is, maybe it's easier, cheaper to throw them in jail for a few years. Maybe that will deter people ?

    Again agree, but throwing money at something, has never proven to work. For anything. Let alone something run by the gov.

    Saved this for last because there will always be extremist's. But their job I say again is not to micro manage. I would rather be tea party, than the gov telling me every single thing that I can and cannot do. They are not responsible for me or what I do. That is not their job. TONS of programs that cost you and I money, are violating what the constitution was constructed around. I'd have to look back again but I remember it pretty much saying no welfare more or less, or any program of the sorts. Personal responsibility has become such a problem in this country the gov is trying to cater to everyone and we have all gotten fucking soft. Everyone has their hand out, including the gov. But the money goes from you, to the gov, to your neighbor sitting on his ass at home. There are some that have no choice, but I promise the % is no where near the amount on welfare or similar programs. But even then again, why is it anyone else problem. Cold hearted, but fuck. You can't help everyone, and we shouldn't try.
  9. flash

    Apr 22, 2005
    /end thread
  10. Turbod_86_stang

    Sep 13, 2004
    To your last point about inflation. If you look at the traditional defination of inflation it is the expansion of the money supply, whether is be printing money or extending credit. Prices going up is not inflation but a result of inflation. So what happens is when the Federal Reserve already created the inflation and the banks just passed it out. If you wonder why I rail on the Fed so much this is the main reason. When they create new money and give it to whomever, that money has full purchasing power. By the time that money is spent and working its way through the system, your prices have already increased. So the time it takes from when prices rise to the time your wages rise, your purchasing power has effectively been stolen by a system that has a monopolized currency. Inflation is the hidden tax. If people understood how it worked the Fed would already be gone.
  11. boostedtorino

    May 1, 2008
    im with dustin on this thing. I can also say as a biz owner that the fuel prices have already had a MAJOR impact on my biz I own a NAPA store and the first couple days when it went up but wasnt too high biz was good ppl buying plugs wires fuel filters etc. then boom when it went past 3.15 it was like the world ended. until gas comes down the small biz are gona have a hard time I can tell you personally. the solution?? TAKE THAT SHIT OFF THE FUTURES MARKET ... I dont give a flying fuck about wallstreet making trillions or billions or a fucking penny man they have enough. the rich are getting richer and the rest are getting fucked.

    As for illegal immigrants im sorry but fuck them too man. Ive been to europe dude and we are soft as hell on our immigration policies. if you tried to do what they do here over there theyd slap your ass in jail or deport ya trust me they check adn double and triple check your passports. so yes send em packin im tired of payin for the lil bastards
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