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SDCE hat + Backfire= not good

Discussion in 'Carbination Lounge' started by RTC1978, Mar 31, 2008.

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  1. Fastnuf

    Apr 15, 2004
    RTC1978 - May I have permission to download those pics and post them on my website?

    I read quite a few posts about racing products have no warranty, but CSU and C&S both warranty their carbs, and it doesn't even have to fail to get it a full refund. That is great customer service!

    SDCE just wants to beat around the bush in hopes that the issue will go away. Give the guy his money back. Geeez, all the publicity being generated by this thread isn't doing your business any good.

    If I had to expend this much energy with any one seller I wouldn't deal with that seller again.
  2. RI85GT

    Feb 24, 2004

    Yep, bunch of newbs here Toma.

    If you came to a site looking to promote your "better then the other's" product...... and something like this happens on a public forum. It just might be in your best interest to show you are willing to offer customer service above & beyond. If not for any other reason then to show just how much you care and support this community. Just a thought

    Now, if the thread starter is indeed so incompetent that he fails to tune the car correctly even with proper instruction, equipment, etc.. ..... then I guess he won;t be driving around too long anyway. BUT, tuning errors happen. The best dyno tuners fuck up once in a while. That, in my opinion, shouldn't deem him "clueless". Not yet atleast.

    Regardless, that thing was pretty weak. Just look at it. I wouldn't want to put 20psi thru it.
  3. Toma

    Dec 12, 2003
    He has already admitted to a previous serious backfire.... enough "evidence" for me.

    And their hat is probably better in terms of function. Hard to make something with that sort of surface area strong enough to withstand a serious backfire.

    And really.... tuning errors OF COURSE happen. A small tuning error can lead to melting a piston or two... you gonna call JE and ask for warranty? or Call cometic and ask for warranty gaskets?

    Or better yet.... the guy I saw blow his hat through his hood..... will he ask Pro Systems for warranty since the backfire ripped the upgraded stud right out of the carb? I mean, it should clearly have been designed to take the abuse.... "tuning errors happen"..... :stupid: lol

    That is newb mentality and plain silly AND ridiculous.
  4. Stroked-Z

    Aug 24, 2005
    Sounds like your a little BIASED.....whats that saying....pictures say 1000 words? SDCE dont wanna come good for a POOR DESIGN....no problem. Believe me, i dont think he'll be getting much business after this....if anyone does their homework that is.

    People make mistakes, we're all human. How you fix your mistakes says a lot about your character & fixing them shows even more. Im self employed as well....i make my own way....if i screw up i bite the bullet until its right, no matter what the cost. That is good business sense & thats how you get repeat customers, and new customers.


    The SDCE hat obviously is not very well designed for the POSSIBLE PRESSURES of a backfire. Time to go back to the drawing board.

  5. 70 bird

    Feb 23, 2006
    That hat looks like a turtle that ate a m-80 :doh:
  6. RI85GT

    Feb 24, 2004
    Shit happens Toma. Maybe he doesn't have the money to get a wideband, or tuned on a dyno. Not everyone is well off like many members here. I have no fucking idea.

    Maybe he should take the dyno offer from SDCE. They obviously has some happy customers to be in business so long. I tend to get a little passionate about this shit but bottom line is, everything I type on here is based off my personal experience. I personally have 3 businesses where I supply products & services for people. I deal with all sorts of people smart...and not very smart. I find that even in the event that one of my products fail ....or my service fails to meet expectations ....I will take the hit and get it done correctly....even at a loss. The few times that it has actually happened the problem was rectified so effectively that they always evened spending far more money in the future. The respect was developed and trust ensued.

    The car world is not any different. Car people might be a little cheaper and thrifty....but I am losing interest in this whole mess.

    Bed time
  7. 570z

    May 23, 2007
    bottom line is SDCE is loosing customers. I had planned on buying a hat soon but it will be a EV hat now...
  8. Toma

    Dec 12, 2003
    Right.... so we can all agree the backfire was the mistake.... says a lot about character trying to blame someone else for the consequences of your mistake :angel:
  9. Toma

    Dec 12, 2003
    You had a motor back fire a fuel/air mixture into a hat with that sort of internal design.... I can see why it blew apart. He essentially made a 'pipe' bomb, or big potato gun with his tuning error.
  10. PMRacing

    Apr 23, 2003
    exactly, we know these are performance parts. What Toma is saying is like comparing apples to oranges. SDCE came here and said their hat is an improvement over the other hats (for all applications under 1100 hp). It didn't withstand backfire, when other hats here (CSU AND EV) have done and not blown to peices. This is just poor design, when they knew it would have more surface area, and that the DESIGN itself would push all possible backfire straigt to the flat top of the bonnet putting a lot of stress on it vetically. Now, knowing this, they should have made improvements so it would stand more pressure. They stated, that it is ziper welded, which honestly i think is bs. They said their material is the same with same thickness as ev hat, and by the looks of it, it doesn't look like it again. So that to me is bad design, not the customers fault. This guy had the hat for 7 days, when i buy a part as simple as a carb hat, i expect it do be on my car that i daily drive for a couple of years. And in this couple of years i wouldn't be suprised if my car had a few POSSIBLE backfires, and i seriously doubt that this hat would have the durability that the other hats have shown to have.
    And Toma, you just proved another point, when other companies have shitty parts with design flaws, people find out about them and don't buy it anymore. Look at all the ebay turbo's, bov, etc....When a few people start having this problem, you think people would still dump 200+ on a hat that could possibly split in two? So far they have lost anothercustomer for now, and i am sure others are paying attention and seeing how this goes.
  11. Toma

    Dec 12, 2003
    Some guys can break a block of solid titanium with a toy hammer....it's the way of the world. I would not start calling a product junk based on one customer who was obviously clueless.

    I dunno how you think my pro systems carb example was out to lunch.... it was built for blow through, so should they not warranty since obviously backfires are an accepted part of tuning? :stupid:
  12. brianj5600

    Jul 16, 2003
    I am a newbie and these pictures scare me. I am sure my car will at some point backfire. I think I am glad I went EV. ;)
  13. PMRacing

    Apr 23, 2003
    So you are telling me, if you had another carb companies carb for years and backfires happened couple of times and nothing happened, and this new company (your pro systems carb) came saying their carb is better and improved, and you got one, and after a week of having it on your car a backfire did that to it, you wouldn't suspect poor material? :stupid:
  14. Toma

    Dec 12, 2003
    Yes, I am telling you that. New and improved to me in terms of automotive performance to me means more power.

    If TFS came out with heads, and they claimed "better then Edelbrock", I would rate them on power, not how well they survived a bad tune.... but that's just me. I don't do "bad tunes" and blame other people.
  15. brianj5600

    Jul 16, 2003
    If you found out that the TFS heads had thin decks and failed if you missed the tune, you might go back to edelbrock though. I don't think they owe him a hat, but that does not mean it is a well engineered part either.
  16. PMRacing

    Apr 23, 2003
    and you would not care if these TFS heads you speak of would flow better, but they didn't perform good since their casting was only 1/8" thick and cracked, even though they flowed 2 times better, and were great in theory (technically improved). you wouldn't blame them?

    You can see for yourself that SDCE stated the material is the same thickness (even though it looks thinner), and the desing itself would need a stronger casting for possible castings, wouldn't that require SDCE to do something about it to make it be as strong as what its competing with? I am not argueing its design but its strenght compared to the industries standard (csu and ev)

    Anyways, i am tired of trying to prove something to you, and lets just agree to disagree :doh:
  17. Tims86-9.80

    Jun 1, 2004
    One day, I sat in a Service Managers office and watched him get in a yelling match with a customer over 5 bucks worth of fuel in a rental car. When I say yelling match, I mean yelling in each others face about this and that and for about 10 min. All I could do is watch, not my place to say anything. When it was all over the Service Manager was so happy he got his point across and felt so right he was red in the face.

    1. The customer was not going to pay the 5 bucks and never did.
    2. That customer was never setting foot into that dealership again, nor were the other 10 customer who witnessed the display.
    3. I made no friend that day when i took the $5.00 out of my pocket, put it on his desk, and asked ..."was it worth it".

    I wonder if maybe the hat broke and then the engine backfired? It does look thin? No, No it is perfect. I can tell you this. I would give up a little air flow/distribution if it was a stronger hat. Shit happens I guess, when it happens with an egg it is much different then with a hammer.

    464+ views most likely not good views.

    Or it could of went this way.
    Man, I messed up bad, really bad. I had a problem with my carb and it backfired and busted my hat. But when I called the manufacture they stood behind it because it broke on a seam. All I can say is it was the best money I spent, and I would recommend them to anyone.

    I say this. If the hat busted in the middle where there is not a seam, then I too would be saying buy another and move on. But if you paid someone to weld a seam or connect a wire and it got pulled on, maybe not what it was ment to do, but came apart I think you would not be happy.

    When it comes to Customer Satisfaction, Make sure to win the war not the battle.
  18. shoebox1.1

    Jan 23, 2007
    tim for president 08! lol i want to see pictures of EV and CSU hats split at the seems............ if this shit "just happens"/"thats racing get over it!" then we should have some split EV's around here somewhere..... anyone? is this guy the worst tuner in the country? could he be the absolute biggest HACK in the blowthrough world? doubt it........ somebody here is bound to have had some tuning problem that split there hat in two pieces!
  19. Ugly_On_Purpose

    Jan 17, 2008
    :bah: :bah: :bah: :bah: You know, I read every single reply in this thread and all I can say is WOW. Even if Chris does replace the hat, it would still be bashed for not holding up like the EV hat, which by the way is total BS. That right there shows how little some people know about physics, it's comparing apples to oranges. If a CSU or Procharger hat split, then it would be a closer comparison but compare the internal surface area of the SDCE hat to the EV hat. I'm guessing but wouldn't you agree that it's atleast 4 or 5 times the internal surface area? I don't know exactly how much force a backfire like that causes in the hat but can we agree it's atleast 50+ psi for a split second? Imagine how much pressure is placed on the hat when 50+ lbs of pressure is applied to every square inch of it. Yes, it appears the seam is the weak point. Kind of odd considering the weld is usually stronger than the material it bonds. Or could it be that the forces applied inside the hat are at their greatest at the top and bottom, making the sides close to the seam the weak point.

    I don't think SDCE is at fault here. I applaud Chris for offering to help as much as he has. It's not the fault of SDCE that the tune was off and the engine had a major bakcfire though the intake(if it were me I'd be happy I didn't grenade the motor). All manufacturers must take into consideration some form of worse case senario for their product. This particular situation was beyond the design they laid out for their hat. Chris's example of the sheetmetal intake is just one of hundreds of examples that can be dreamed up to support his views on damage caused by poor tuning. I don't remember who it was, but my favorite was the one where someone gave the example of melting a piston from poor tuning and then demanding a replacement from the manufacturer because it was supposed to be strong enough. I don't know what kind of pistons you have but if you destroyed one during this event are you going to call them and demand that they replace it? I would hope not because they'll just laugh at you. So why are you blaming SDCE?

    This thread is just a great example of pointing the finger at everyone but yourself. It's like people who smoke for 30 years and want to sue the tobacco companies when they get cancer.

    In my opinion SDCE should not replace the hat. It won't make anyone any happier except the people who like playing the blame game. Coming onto a public forum and bashing a company for something that's basically your fault is just plain wrong. Period.

    Maybe the new sales slogan for the EV hat should be: "Extreme Velocity Blow-Thru carb hat; strong enough to withstand the worst intake backfires due to improper tuning. Get yours today!!!"

    End of rant
  20. Stroked-Z

    Aug 24, 2005
    Possibly....but countless of others have done the same with no ill results.....and to think the carb hat blew apart BEFORE THE 1/4" CARB STUD DID !!!!!!

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