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building a shop out of pallets.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum For Non-Auto Topics' started by nos10racer, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. ronlp

    Apr 23, 2003
    The gods of comedy? :huh:

    I think the main thing to keep in mind is that 2x4s are like $1.79 a piece and are fast and simple to work with. The savings on such a small structure equates to the change in the average vehicle ashtray.
  2. vader_turbo

    Jul 16, 2007
    That is in Nova Scotia, the asshole of Canada and where all the Canadian hilbilly sister/cousin fuckers live. Almost as bad as Newfoundland.

    Jul 29, 2009
    We made a stack of pallets about 15ft high one night, 9 pallets each level in a 3x3 arrangement. When we lit that bitch on fire it was the hottest fucking fire I've ever seen in my life. Styrofoam cups 30ft away were melting into goo and you couldn't even turn around and face it because of the radiant heat coming off of it. That much open space, dry as a bone wood, and the draft created into the structure by the heat going out the top made it like a blast furnace. If you have a few hundred of them lying around I highly suggest you do it yourself sometime.
  4. duplox

    Apr 17, 2005
    Yup, they're like ready-made bonfires.
  5. nos10racer

    Jun 22, 2010

    my brother met some girl on the internet from nova scotia... she was some kind of asian.. she came to see him only after 2 weeks of talking all the way to (iowa). they fucked for 2 days then got married then she left and went back there. he hadent seen or heard from her in 3 years now. but all he got out of the deal was genital warts.

  6. Mr. Dew

    Aug 14, 2005
    And oh God what did we ever do before building codes?....................... Oh ya, use common sense. I am sure that if you gave the same stack of pallets to 10 different guys they would come up with different ways of doing it. And by your logic, the house that I live in that was built in the late 1880's should not be standing. But instead it is a prime example of how a man with common sense (Grandpa Bell) built a two story house in the middle of a corn field. He must have been pretty kick ass at building. The solid oak 2 X 16 that the roof and walls are made out of is a nice testament of how 5 brothers could build a house that would last throughout the ages. I would put good money on this place versus any of the newer, prefab bullshit I see all over the place.

    I do not mean any of this in a personal way well because I don't know you or what kind of quality your work has. I am sure it is top notch and makes your customers very happy. But pallets vary, and the ones I would end up using would be the ones that ADM uses. They don't mess around. They have pressure treated lumber pallets that are made out of the same stuff that normal people would buy at the hardware store. My dad used said wood to build me a clubhouse on 5 foot stilts in the backyard when I was about 8 or 9. It was there for 10 years until they tore it down to build a new garage and tore out our old above ground pool. Pool deck was made out of the same wood. It came out of the cooling towers and had water flowing over it constantly 365 days a year. So I guess it all depends on where you would get the materials to build a shed. But for 99.9% of us.... what these guys are doing would be perfectly fine and safe. No better or worse than the little ready made sheds you can buy at the local tractor supply store.
  7. PrecisionTurboMustang

    Jan 27, 2006

    Suuuuuurrrrreeeee it was your "brother".
  8. nos10racer

    Jun 22, 2010

    agreed !! :D

    cough cough it was cough
  9. Scott02GT

    Jan 6, 2004
    Pallets are great for burning... that is all I have to say
  10. turbotater84

    Feb 26, 2005
    Heated my garage for a few months with them.
  11. TT_05_Stang

    Jan 13, 2005
    Had a bon fire with about 50 or so stacked up. The heat they put off was intense. it buckled some tin siding almost 30 yards away...

    Some of the older oak pallets are freaking strong, however the way these people are assembling them has no structural strength. It would be very difficult to put them together where they would be sound... by the time you frame it up right, you would have spent the same amount of money just to buy the lumber, and do it right.

    Hell you can make a hut out of shit... and it will be considered a home... yet every time it rains... you're reminded its made out of shit...
  12. Daddy

    Feb 6, 2004

    You also have to remember that common sense is a completely lost art these days. Nothing is built like it used to be and the general public doesn't have common sense anymore.

    To concur with RI85GT not only is pallet wood sub par for building materials (most of it isn't even 2x4 size) if you keep the pallets together and just stack them like a lot of the pictures show you lose absolutely all shear strength in the wall because you have a joint or two running across the entire width of the wall. Couple that with the fact that the boards running across the pallets are short in length, thus not really even providing enough shear strength for the pallet, much less for a wall of pallets. Add in that you are also creating a weak point in a column by having a joint down the middle of your support structure (next time you see a house being built look to see if you can find any wall studs with a cut in the middle of them, I'll bet money that you won't find any). Columns don't show signs of possible failure, they just fail. 2x4 wall studs are all columns, make them all weak and the wall can easily collapse without warning.

    Finally you can find pallets of all varying sizes and degrees of construction, but I can guarantee with utmost certainty that cheap/free pallets are like a $2 hooker.....well used and falling apart.

    So yes, it's reasons like Pallet Sheds that we have building codes and in some places HOA regulations. One guy might see a pallet shed and determine how to properly build it so it won't fail, another guy is going to see it as a cheap way to throw together a shed and couldn't care less about how to structure it.
  13. EvilSports

    Jan 3, 2007
    What a great way to save $30!!

    Here's another pro tip:

    Instead of wasting money on costly toilet paper, just lick your own asshole clean. (The trick is to do a somersault but stop halfway)
  14. ronlp

    Apr 23, 2003
    There is no topping that for accuracy or hilarity.

  15. blown385

    Feb 17, 2007
    This has got me thinking of some " back in the day " stuff .

    Its a wonder why some of us have made it this far .I'm surprised I was never buried alive in one of the under ground forts we use to dig , or fallen out of the 40ft high tree forts that we fastened between three swaying pine trees . Man we did some stupid shit when we were kids .. :stupid: yea ......... when we were kids , yea .

    A pallet shed dont scare me !
  16. Mr. Dew

    Aug 14, 2005
    Yep. I sat down and wrote a list of "times I should have died/became paralyzed"............. it was a seriously long list. Ones I can think of off the top of my head.

    1.) I was picking apples out of the tree. (And you already see where this is going). Reached out for one that was far away and fell 30+ feet only to be caught by my pant leg. My head was not even 6" from the ground.

    2.) Climbed a wooden ladder to get on top of that aforementioned clubhouse I had. The roof was 20 feet in the air. I went up to retrieve a NERF arrow or something like that that ended up there somehow. So I go up and get it. As I proceed to climb back down the rung on the ladder breaks and I fall, luckily not to my death, but have a serious encounter with a chain link fence on the way down. I land on the 1" part of a 1 X 6 that is the border of my mom's garden. I got up and had a hole in my leg from where the fence took a 2" round chunk of skin off the inside groin area of my left leg. That shit was about an inch from my ball sack. Could have been much worse. So all I ended up with was about 15 stitches and a 1" wide bruise from the back of my neck, down my back, and down one leg.

    3.) Rode shotgun with a Marine buddy. He drove his 1997 Camaro off a 60 foot cliff. Dukes of Hazard style. Seatbelt/Airbags saved my life and I have the facial scars and deviated septum to prove it. And no, we weren't drunk.

    That's my top three I think.

    Jul 29, 2009
    Bout like anything else in life, with knowledge you can make some great things with not much, or if you're an idiot you can build a piece of shit with all of the best parts. With an open checkbook some people couldn't build a good car/house/shed, but some people could build a great one with shit they get for free.
  18. Cox Abele

    Jan 13, 2004
    If he played his cards right, half his debt is gone.
  19. nos10racer

    Jun 22, 2010
    now that i think of it i cant remember if he gave it to her or she to him......... either way :doh:
  20. ashford

    Nov 24, 2008

    oh the stories i could tell about when i was 12 with a $50 snowmobile alone, now i have a turbo to put on something. uuuhg i thought i grew up already
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