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Mark Whalberg getting flack over 9-11 comment.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum For Non-Auto Topics' started by Kerrdogg, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Kerrdogg

    Jan 30, 2003
    Maybe this is old but I guess Mark Whalberg said that had he been on one of the 9-11 planes things would have gone down differently, now the fact that he was supposed to be on one of the planes and had canceled his tickets a few days before puts him closer to the reality of the situation than myself but basically I have always said the same thing. If it were to happen again, you would want me across the aisle from you, knees, nuts and neck, 3 things that would be missing from any terrorist I could reach. The widow of one of the 3 yes she said 3 guys that tried to re-take over flight 93 came out to the media as very upset and questioned Whalberg's ability to even land the plane. Heck Mythbusters did it with some talk down help, it's a 767 not a frigging rocket ship. I know that with my limited flying time and having been in a 747 flight simulator I might have more flying exposure than the average idiot but I would be the first to try landing one.

    So how about you, would you fight a terrorist threat or like most of the people that gave responses do you think Mark Whalberg was out of line for his remarks and is just in a actors fantasy world, my personal opinion is that Mark most likely could whoop some ass.
  2. f1atlander

    Jul 17, 2010
    I think Marky Mark could had whooped some terroist @ss!!!

    I myself feel the same about the situation and would have done the same.
  3. 10secgoal

    Jan 29, 2005
    I wondered about the same thing. But you never know. looking back at what happened it's easier to say you would because it's that or death. Maybe they thought they were just going to wait it out until it was over. Not like they could really see they were aimed at a building.
  4. livefast1

    Mar 21, 2008
    America is flight 93 and flight 93 is America. Mark Wahlberg shouldnt have to hear a bunch of shit about how we all should feel.
  5. PrecisionTurboMustang

    Jan 27, 2006
    I would have anally raped those terrorist bastards and I wouldn't have enjoyed it.
  6. stangman9897

    Mar 23, 2009
    Have you seen a pic of him sense he bulked up for a movie, he's big now.

    Mark.jpg #ad
  7. BreakDancer

    Jun 30, 2011
    I think the only reason shit didn't go down is people thought if they stayed calm everthing would be ok. These are diffrent times and I think even women would be gouging eyes!! Fuck any asshole that trys something I will drop a can of pop in a fuckin tube sock and go fruit of a loom rambo on'em.
  8. bgjohnson

    Oct 14, 2004
    You also got to remember where he's from.

    "If I was dair, I woulda done somethin"

    Not being an ass, but coming from somebody raised in the east coast, that's how it is.
  9. revn351

    Dec 8, 2006
    I would like to think I would bum rush those terrorists.especially if all they were carrying were knives and box cutters. Most everybody has a chance with those kind if weapons. Everyone feels the same as he does so he shouldn't be looked down on.

    Jul 29, 2009
    You can only base your response on past experience, and nothing like that had ever happened. At worst you get delayed for a few days while they work out the ransom, but airline hijackings never end like they did that day. From Sept. 12th on, trying something like that will get anybody killed. I have way more problems about 911 than what should have happened on the flights, but most of them are the utter failures of the government from stopping something they knew was going to happen. Just like Pearl Harbor.
  11. furchaser

    Sep 15, 2007
    There are very few people here that have had life and death experience and walked away.
    I have .. I would again.
  12. TeeJay

    May 6, 2008
    It's easy to say you would do something now that you know what the outcome is. That being said, I probably would have rounded up a couple of guys from the plane, taken off my belt, and defended myself with said belt. Strangled, beat, kicked, punched, gouged, scratched and clawed my fucking way through those fucking terrorists. When the adrenaline is pumping, cuts, bruises and scrapes don't really matter.

    But the hindsight is 20-20.
  13. Kerrdogg

    Jan 30, 2003
    OK, so sound minds think alike (Us :) ). I agree if anyone tried anything in flight these days they will probably not make it to the terminal, just wondering where every body stood.

    BTW-If you didn't see Mark on Letterman's show promoting Ted it's worth watching. He talks about being in New Kids on the Block but going to jail before they were signed. At one point he is sitting in jail and the NKOTB wee on tv and he tells his fellow inmates about the deal. He said on guy looked at him and said, "So you could be on stage right nom, making money and banging any young honey you want", Mark replied, "Yes", the other inmate said, "You are the dumbest MFer I have ever met" and walked away. He said right then and there he realized how much he had screwed up his life. Later in the interview he announced that he has gone back to high school and is taking classes online and is currently in the 9th grade, he said when he graduates he wants to walk with his class and will do what it takes to make it happen, sounds like adult life has humbled him and he is focusing on what really matters, besides swearing Teddy Bears.
  14. bgjohnson

    Oct 14, 2004
    He is more rough around the edges than people think. Sounds like he's getting his shit together though.
  15. BoostedBadBoy

    Nov 19, 2010
    When it comes down to it, its Fight or flight response that kicks in. And as Fur stated, if you been in a life or death situation before you would be more apt to do something about it most likely. I myself don't understand that if all the weapons that were used were knives and box cutters I'd like to think someone would have at least attempted. Me personally absolutely I'd try to do something... anything. Because the reality of it is, your probably going to die. People don't take hostages with good intentions. There is a few guys and a plane full of people, how the hell did this happen? I'm wondering if there is weapons we didn't know about... I been stabbed it sucks but if you have someone wildly swinging something and not trained with it, its not that hard to get it away from them. I don't know this is another one that his widely bothered me ever since it happened because there are just WAY TO MANY HOLES in that story and responses of the government about it.
    I honestly think the average person would have tried to do something had it only been knives. To get a knife away from someone you just have to turn it against their grip point... break the thumb away and thats it the weapon drops. Its as simple as turning the hand out. I guess fearing for your life might make that more of a task than it seems but someone threatens most peoples lives I'd like to think hey I'm gonna take a shot at this. I think we all feel the same way on this subject. Its not about being a hero, its about survival.

    Jul 29, 2009
    First thing out of the gate they cut a guy from ear to ear and left him on the floor. After seeing someone killed right in front of them I'd say that took care of 99.99% of the people wanting to do anything. Like I said, in past hijackings they sit around on the ground awhile, ransom gets paid, and everybody goes home. They had no way of knowing what was coming, so saying what you would and wouldn't do in a situation that historically wasn't life threatening is just talk.
  17. BreakDancer

    Jun 30, 2011
    This maybe bullshit and I should probably research before posting. But I seem to remember that on top of having gotten there pilots lisence they were also trained in high level martial arts.
  18. 1sicpny

    Feb 16, 2005

    If i remember the story the guy this happened to realized what was going on and was getting ready to react and a guy came from behind and sliced him! If i remember correctly the victim was trained in karate or something!
  19. stangman9897

    Mar 23, 2009
    I thought they told everybody they had a bomb on the plane and thats what kept the people from trying anything, might be wrong but that what i thought the deal was.
  20. TeeJay

    May 6, 2008
    Ding ding ding we have a winner. They had box cutters, pepper spray (or another similar agent) and threatened that a bomb was on the plane. Shitty situation, but you can see why flight 93 was the only flight to fight back. Flight 93 was in the air the longest and the people on the plane had time to hear about what happened to the other planes.
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