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  1. 7SEC_SN95

    Feb 26, 2005
    1 1/2 -2 packs a day for many years

    Day one. Took the first pill in the AM, first couple cigs were normal. About a hour later the next ones taste different and seems like I don't get the nicotine hit, almost like I never smoked it and seems like it is a super super light cigarette.

    Shit must be working.
  2. flash

    Apr 22, 2005
    My brother just quit on it. Hasnt smoked in 4 weeks after smoking for 15 yrs or so. Good luck!!!
  3. RI85GT

    Feb 24, 2004
    Whatever it takes man.....as long as you quit.

    Keep up the good work!
  4. Mr. Dew

    Aug 14, 2005
    Please document how this goes for you. I have tried everything except Chantix to quit smoking. I would like to know how it works out.
  5. bluefunk2

    Jun 19, 2007
    Did it 2 months ago today! (1-9-11) Smoke for 17 years the last three years has been 2 packs a day. Got fed up with the taxing the shit out of cigs for everything. I did the starter pack, quit smoking after the 7th day (like you should), kept taking it for three weeks and on the fourth week started to get real depressed and wanted to put a gun in my mouth. I stopped taking it cold turkey but I am still smoke free and loving every min. of it! I never went to the "extended pack" and have had only 5-10 real cravings for a smoke. The biggest factor fo me now is seeing how much more money I have in my pocket. Stay with it man, its well worth it! Just make sure you watch yourself with the depression, if the people around start noticing a change in mood let your doctor know.
  6. Kellyo77

    May 1, 2004
    Chantix was rough for me. Nightmares were bad. Side effects were bad. I quit taking it. Still have half a script left.
  7. livefast1

    Mar 21, 2008
    Man i cant see takin somethin that has so many rumors of makin people wanna sip on a 12 gauge milkshake. Good luck
  8. 7SEC_SN95

    Feb 26, 2005
    I did tell everyone around me if they notice change to let me know. So far so good but only one pill at .5mg once a day. Day 4 .5 mg twice a day. 1mg twice a day on day 8.

    Still smoked about the same amount up to this point on day 1 but still doesn't taste feel the same.
  9. bluefunk2

    Jun 19, 2007
    Its the 1mg pills that got me on the thrid week
  10. stangman9897

    Mar 23, 2009
    Its not as hard as you think to quite . I smoked kools for 35 years and bought a box of the patches and only wore them for seven days and stoped the patch. Yes you will think about a cig all the time two years later i would still think about them but its all a game of will power its been 3 1/2 years now and if i get pissed or stressed about something i will still thank how nice it would be to have one. Maybe this will help you some 2 1/2 years after i quite i found out i have throat cancer and now they are going to remove my whole voice box in 5 weeks because of them so the sooner you quite the better your chances are. And brother im here to tell you you do not want to go through what i have and will go through just for the pleasure of smoking.

    Jul 29, 2009
    I quit cold turkey and did it the same way I quit pills. Everyday I just tell myself I don't know about tomorrow, but damn sure today I'm not going to smoke. Been 12yrs now and still sometimes the smell of one sure does smell good. A guy I work with has smoked for 15yrs, and quit with Chantix about 3wks ago. He said it has went pretty well but he has had some vivid crazy fucking dreams. My brother cold turkeyed snuff about 2 months ago after dipping for almost 20yrs, so far so good for him. I think it really comes down to how strong you personally are mentally and if you are one that looks for every reason to light back up, or if you're like me and so fucking hard headed you'll stay quit just to prove yourself wrong. However you quit, minus the 12ga part, do it!
  12. half-fast

    Jan 1, 2009
    My x was on chantix and it worked pretty good for her- all i can say is stick with it, my dad smoked up to three packs of pallmall non filtered a day till he was 55 and had to watch him rot away from cancer. If not doing it for youself do it for the kids
  13. ronlp

    Apr 23, 2003
    I would've tried it had my last attempt not been successful, but fortunately didn't have to. Like everything else, it works for some and not for others. Zyban made me irrational and full of rage, but works for some. The most important thing like Jon said is to try something.....anything.....everything, until you find what works best for you.

    In the end, patches were my 'cure', even though I got (happily) addicted to them and stayed on them for the better part of a year. I still crave them more than cigarettes, lmao.

    Here are two more hints that I personally found very effective and can hopefully help someone else. They may not make you quit, but for me were just enough to keep me from going back after probably 8 failed attempts:

    - Research exactly what nicotine does and how it affects dopamine and makes long term modifications to the brain's reward path circuits. It's hard to fight an urge you don't understand. It's complicated shit that makes a lot of other drugs appear fairly tame because most only affect one major synapse. Nicotine is like a jack of all trades when it comes to fucking with neurotransmitters.
    - If you have an iOS device, install the Quitter app and let the outrageous cost of cigarettes become a daily motivational push to keep going. http://www.pazeinteractive.com/iphoneapps/quitter Below is my tally as of today.

    IMG_0955.PNG #ad
  14. Turbohwagon

    Dec 6, 2005
    I had a friend that tried Chantix and he had alot of the nightmares and depression issues some people have. You couldn't get him out of his house, slept all day, wouldn't talk to anyone for days. He quit taking it and went cold turkey.
  15. EvilSports

    Jan 3, 2007
    I quit smoking 4 years ago. Trouble is I quit by chewing Nicorette gum.

    After four years of chewing Nocorette, the extent of my nicotine addiction is astonishing. I just ran the numbers:

    -I chew 45 pieces of extra strength per day.

    -This costs me $17 per day, $530 per month, $6205 per year! (CAD)

    -I am ingesting nicotine equal to smoking 8.18 packs of Marlboro Reds.... DAILY :doh: :bang:
  16. 7SEC_SN95

    Feb 26, 2005
    DAY 2

    Ok, yesterday from one .5mg pill. Later in the evening the pill had to of start wearing off. I could start to feel the chemicals hitting the system as soon as I inhaled.

    Normal day at least 1.5 packs

    Yesterday I counted and logged 25 cigs.

    Usually when giving the chance to smoke, my hole in the house, truck, or the shop. I normally smoke like a chimney. Yesterday I just avoided my hole at home on purpose so the count went way down. Just went there when I really felt I needed one. Usually will sit there for an hour or so and catch up on the forums news etc. on the internet. I just took the laptop out of there to another room where I don't smoke. Seemed to help a lot.

    Last night nothing odd for sleep that I recalled. I did do the patch years ago and did have crazy dreams back then. That was 12 years ago. I was up early this AM but not because of the meds..

    Took a pill when I got up. The 3 cigs tasted and felt like they have in the past. It has been about an hour now and the craving is already starting to go away.
  17. 7SEC_SN95

    Feb 26, 2005
    Day 2 Results

    Yesterday was more of a typical day for me this time of year. Even though I was out running around a bit more than usual instead of in shop or office during the day. I think the more occupied I am right now the less I would want a cig. I don't know that yet. That is/was not true before, I seemed to of always had one hanging from my mouth when in shop.

    Total cigs smoked was 24, which I think on average was fewer than the first day because I was up 3 hours earlier on day 2 vs day 1.

    The AM cigs seemed to have some of the taste back or maybe I'm just getting used to how Chantix changes things. I did notice the taste and affects of the cigs later in the evening but still not the same as with out the meds. Tomorrow I switch to the double dose of .5mg I will post Sunday AM about how Saturday night went.

    Last night when I got home I was worn out from lack of sleep(4 hours). The wife said I seemed a little on edge. She said I was making comments to either her or to the kids that I normally wouldn't unless I was pissed off about something. I just contribute that to either she is looking for something because she is concerned of the side effects or that I was just sleep deprived and was just a little irritable. I will see how it goes tonight as I got 6 hours of sleep last night.

    Now that I am logging cigs. I see where I smoke the most, Damn Internet!!!!
    Many in the AM then during the day anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes before I want/need another. Now that I look back at how much I do/did smoke I am guessing I was closer to 2 packs a day if not more. Never kept track of it to tell the truth.

    I do recall waking up having a couple dreams they were the same dream but part I and a part II to them. I usually don't wake up or even remember dreaming the next day. When I did wake up(last night) I remembered somewhat what they were and now that I'm up this am I recollect even less.
  18. svooh

    Oct 6, 2004
    I smoked mediums then reds from age 18 until about 22. I just gave up cold turkey about the time I got married... although since then, I've puffed a couple of them on rare occasions with friends (alcohol seems to affect the "need" to have one).

    Haven't touched one in months. You can do it! Good luck. Do it for your kids!
  19. 7SEC_SN95

    Feb 26, 2005
    I did the patch ten years ago and it did work for two years. Why I started again after that I don't know. When I did start the patch I avoided situations where I knew it would be tough. I avoided/stayed away from the bars the first year and other stuff where it made it difficult not to smoke. The other toughest times were after meals. It took almost a full year to get over the cravings of a cigarette. I think that is why the second round will be tougher. I just need to remember what it was like after that year went by.
  20. 7SEC_SN95

    Feb 26, 2005
    Day 3

    Still on the .5mg once a day pill

    26 cigs so far days 1-3 I have smoked about the same amount each day which is substantially fewer than normal.

    Things were about the same. I think when having a cig. some of the old taste hit seems like it did before I started the pills, but that maybe just because I am getting more accustom to the taste feel now. I am not wanting a cig. near as much as before prior to Chantix. If I sit down and read the paper or browse the internet I would usually smoke almost non stop. Now there is at least a half hour between them. It was automatic to just grab another one. Now it's almost like it doesn't matter until that 1/2 hour or so goes by then I want one again. The cigs at night feel more like the ones during the day compared to the first two days. The first 2 days it seemed like the nicotine was hitting the system, last night didn't feel like that.

    Day 4

    .5 mg pill two times today first thing in the AM then mid afternoon.

    Smoked 22-23 Cigs.

    Everything about the same as the past couple days just smoked a few less, I attribute fewer cigs because I was in meetings from 8:30 - 12:30(sat) with only two breaks and smoked on each one. Usually in these situations I cannot wait until the next break to smoke then when I am on break I will smoke as many as I can allowed during that timeframe. One seemed like it was enough as when I was done I just headed back to the room.

    With me sitting here now I would usually be sucking one down, it is almost like I don't care, been 25 minutes since last one. I know though in another 5-10 minutes I will light one up.

    I switch to the 1mg pills on day 8, three days away, that is my quit day. I hope the switch to 1mg helps out more.

    Still no crazy dreams nor have I dug the shotgun out YET. Everything seems fine so far at this point. That may change on the larger dose too though.
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