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Muhahaha, Arizona is an awesome state.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum For Non-Auto Topics' started by TeeJay, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. TeeJay

    May 6, 2008
    And copy... and paste...
  2. Duner

    Aug 6, 2004
  3. Mr. Dew

    Aug 14, 2005
    Can we just put a say $100 bounty on all illegals.... and say $500 for each one that is a criminal. Give all those gun lovers out west something constructive to do with all that firepower they are always packing.
  4. Scott02GT

    Jan 6, 2004
    There is no legal structure in place to track the info your asking for and that is one of the biggest problems. When you go in to an emergency room, they have to treat you, hospitals on the southern border have reported they are losing huge amounts of money being forced to treat illegals, in turn, the government gives them our money to ease the financial burdon. If you want proof, go find it, it was posted here a while back and linked to the study.

    This situation is only complex to those of you who refuse to recognize the basic problems and fix them. It is easier to hide behind "it's just too big and complex" then actually do something. This is why like minded people should not be in charges of these issues. Just because illegals work does not make them any less illegal, do you make sure they file taxes? Do you personally make sure they are driving legally? or paying their hospital bills? No, why because it is "too complex and too big"... They work all right, but they can afford to work for less because the do not have to pay for the infrastructure that is the USA. Making it easier to become documented is a slap in the face to all the others who did it the right way I don't want it to be too easy to become a citizen, being a citizen is a privileged not a right, it should be earned. Knowingly breaking the law just means they are criminals or just lazy. Do it right. What we should to is adapt Mexico's immigration policy and enforce it.
  5. Agent86

    Jun 3, 2003
    i concur with scott... if i need to jump through half a billion hoops, why the hell should they get it easily, just cause they can walk over?
  6. Anthony Fury

    Sep 16, 2003

    Also, Scott for president.
  7. Daddy

    Feb 6, 2004
    Pure and simple, money. I don't remember the exact amount, but it's a couple grand to go through the paperwork. At least that's what my asshole father-in-law told me cause he works with a bunch of legal Mexicans and they asked one of them what it took to get here.

    I agree with everyone else though, you want to come here legally we'll accept you with open arms. If not GTFO. Go AZ! I still say we get a nice TTF.com bachelor pad down in AZ for all us Northern guys who can't stand it up here anymore. My wife says in 17 years I can move there.......by myself. :D
  8. stangman9897

    Mar 23, 2009
    Just need to run an add in all the papers saying free weed eaters & leaf blowers at sears in mexico city on the 15th and drop one small nuke on all the freeloading bastard's.

  9. ronlp

    Apr 23, 2003
    Eh, define "we". I think our quota of certain ethnic percentages is pretty up there. As with anything, balance is key. Is there no one from Iceland or Latvia that wants to emigrate?
  10. Mr. Dew

    Aug 14, 2005
    I would like this post to be an open invitation for any attractive eastern European type women to feel free to come to America. We need you to help balance the numbers.

    If you would like to apply please send pictures to the After Dark section for immediate approval.
  11. gofastpat67

    Apr 11, 2004
    I dont think most people realize that the police want nothing to do with this law. The Pima County sheriff even refuses to enforce this, as he put it, "stupid" law. The police have enough to worry about with violent crime and theft without worrying about illegals. All this is doing is stretching an already stretched police force thinner. This is not to say that there is not a serious problem that needs to be addressed. It is just not a job for regular police. It is a huge racial profile suit waiting to happen as you cant enforce the law in any practicality without racial profiling. This is a border patrol/legislation issue. The main reason Mexicans come to this country is for work. There are other benefits to being here but they are all seriously outweighed by pay. This is the root of the problem that we need to work on.

    Most agree that the only reason the governor passed this bill was to put her name on the map for future elections. She was not even elected as governor and is regarded by most as a complete moron. This law is also going to cost a lot more money than it saves for a long time. Its not exactly cheap to keep a person in jail. There is a definite need for a strong solution to this problem, but this is not it.
  12. Scott02GT

    Jan 6, 2004
    That sounds pretty stupid, cops first of all have no say in what laws they enforce, they are to do their jobs or find a new one, this is not a pick and choose deal here, in that case, there is some laws that I don't think I want to follow...so do I get to ignore them? From what I understand a lot of the violent crimes they are over run with are committed by these illegals anyway. Also, why would prisoner costs even cross your mind? They get deported...SAVING us money. It sounds like you and a very few regard your governor as a moron while 70% of the rest of the country agrees with her. She wasn't elected? probably why she has so much sense. The only people I see that don't like this law are ultra lefty liberals and illegal Mexicans, their family and friends... And Like I said before, bring in the national guard if the cops don't feel like enforcing the law. First you arrested and de badge the criminal cops, then go after the illegals... The first cop to go should be the Pima county Sheriff, he obviously doesn't get the whole protect and serve deal, especially the serve part.
  13. RI85GT

    Feb 24, 2004
    Well said Scott
  14. gofastpat67

    Apr 11, 2004
    First off, there is no reason to be rude just because someone has a different opinion. I could have called your point of view a bunch of names but that would be stupid. What does that accomplish? Nothing

    Following a law and enforcing it are two different things. There are plenty of laws that arent enforced. All the sheriff is saying is that in his professional opinion ( having been on the job for many years in this specific area) that this law is stupid and will cause more harm than good. He has the authority to do what is is doing because that state has given it to him. Unfothe governorrtunately, you understand incorrectly regarding crime rates for illegals vs. legal citizens. The large majority of crimes are committed by legal tax paying citizens here in Arizona. You are also incorrect in thinking that these new criminals are deported immediately. They are housed here in jail for a while before possibly being deported. It is also sad that it is not just me and a few other people who think is a moron. It is the overwhelmingly popular consenus. And 70% of the rest of the country? Seriously? Thats not even close. All I keep hearing on the news around the country is how embarrassed people are that Arizona is messing up so bad with this racially offensive law. Most of you guys are not even close to Arizona and do not realize how this law works on a day to day basis. I understand it may sound like a good idea and maybe it is on paper. But in real life, all it will do is mess things up further.

    I had hoped that that there could be a two way discussion about this and that is the only reason that I commented. I see that that is not possible so I will butt out. JUst trying to give you all a heads up on how itactually is out here...
  15. Scott02GT

    Jan 6, 2004
    I called your point of view stupid, because it is, you called your governor a moron because you do not agree with her...so what is the difference? your can call people names but no one else can? You do also know that person owns this site and a good majority of people here are from Arizona right? I was referring to a poll taken by fox news and sorry to inform you but 70% of Americans want illegal immigrants deported, and not just hanging out in jail cells, but picked up and kicked back over the border costing us as little as possible. And you say you keep hearing that in the news because you only watch the ultra lefty news Channels, I on the other hand watch both. Had you watched actual news channels that reports news without slant you would know that most Americans are wanting to adapt Arizona's position. In no way is that law racially offensive, does it target Mexicans? Yeah, because Mexicans are the ones border jumping, don't want to be offended? Don't jump the border period.... This will not be a two way discussion because your point of view is not worth defending, so far the only point you have made is that Cops should only enforce the laws they want, and the problem is too big so let it be. I hate to tell you but illegal immigrants are a huge cause of violent crimes in border states, but I guess you have never heard of the Mexican Mafia right? They are not responsible for making Arizona the number 1 kidnapping state in the country right? they are all legal?...yeah that's it. Let me ask you something, are you Mexican? Have Mexican relatives? Just wondering because the only people I see defending the illegals are those in close relation or them themselves.

    oh and this statement " Unfothe governorrtunately, you understand incorrectly" ..the only thing I do not understand is what the hell your trying to type. Look around you, your surrounded by Arizona citizens and they are all completely for this law. Your the minority, not me.
  16. furchaser

    Sep 15, 2007
    Not a 100 percent on this ... but i think that's mexican. :huh:
  17. RI85GT

    Feb 24, 2004

    Spoken like true nbc watchin mehican......but I suppose it's hard to choose channels with 37 other people living in a one bedroom apartment eh?
  18. ronlp

    Apr 23, 2003

    Fuckin A right. I've yet to come in personal contact with one person that isn't absolutely delighted at the stance the state and our awesome governor have finally taken on this bullshit.....and that includes police and even a few legit messicans, lol. Racial profiling? Yeah well...whatever. News flash here: it's not purple space aliens running across the border, it's mexicans, and when there are 37 of them crammed into a pos subcompact car and they can't speak any english, the question should be asked. Don't like it? Fine....they can kindly go the fuck back to their shithole country and starve. I carry ID always and have to produce it anytime I'm asked (all the god damned time), so they should too.

    Nice. They're usually skinny and easy to train. I myself am going to appeal to the northwest and try for some hot Dutch girls.
  19. Duner

    Aug 6, 2004
    You have to absolutely be kidding me. You mean to tell me that you cannot see the fact that this Sheriff is simply playing partisan politics? Dupnik is a freakin DEMOCRAT. Of course he's against ANY BILL that's put into place by Republicans. I'm sure he's been all in favor of making his entire county a sanctuary county as well. I suppose it's too much to ask that people think about the fact that a very large portion of the violent crime and theft is perpetrated by illegal aliens. So the fact that the Pinal County Sheriff has gone on record as saying he's out manned and out gunned by armed drug smugglers and coyotes, which has caused large portions of the state to be cordoned off to keep innocent American citizens out of the area to keep them from being shot - isn't really a problem? WTF? Your quoting of a Democrat that's playing partisan politics doesn't diminish the fact that there's a huge problem down here and the federal government is failing to do anything about it. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but I strongly disagree with it and am very glad that the politicians that are paid to represent the tax-paying citizens of this state are for the most part stepping up and doing what the citizens want. All of the border states are running into financial problems and spending millions of dollars to support illegal aliens with entitlements isn't helping things at all. Send them all back to Mexico or Honduras or wherever they are from. We're done providing for them.

    Another issue is whining about showing ID. Nobody seems to have a problem when the guy at 7/11 wants to see ID before selling them beer or cigarettes, but now it's racial profiling if a LEO wants to see some after they break the law and are pulled over for it already? Bull hockey! I suppose it's just too much to ask for them to have a license AND insurance too right? Send them back!
  20. Duner

    Aug 6, 2004
    Democrats in Tucson Pima County recent stands on SB 1070
    The City of Tucson joined Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik (Democrat) in opposition to the bill. Pima County Democratic Party Chair Jeff Rogers issued a statement saying that,
    "The Pima County Democratic Party Salutes Sheriff Clarence Dupnick's courageous stand refusing to endorse SB 1070 and rightly calling the law 'stupid' and that Dupnick already has the authority to apprehend illegal immigrants.

    In contrast, a May 20, 2010 Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Arizona finds that 71% now favor the immigration law, while 24% oppose it.

    What I find telling is that in Pima county - the Hispanic community represents over 33% of the voters. Obviously a large portion of the hispanics in the county recognize that the one of the best ways to combat violent crime, theft and drugs is to keep the criminals from getting here or send them away once they do get here. They know that the fact that these illegal aliens are breaking the law - makes hispanics look bad and gives them a bad name unfairly. The best way to combat that is to not have illegal aliens.
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