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Well, no more Ninja for me.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum For Non-Auto Topics' started by Cox Abele, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. bgjohnson

    Oct 14, 2004
    If you read he wears his gear. And yes we know the dangers of riding, I don't like constantly being reminded I could die and become a veggie. Who likes to live in fear, not I. Just don't be a fucking moron , expect everybody is going to do something stupid and you will be alright for the most part.

    Got a friend's mom who works in the hospital, whenever the word motorcycle is brought up she goes off. I fucking get it ok?!?!
  2. Cox Abele

    Jan 13, 2004
    Couldn't have said it better.

    Tell ya'll what... The day I don't wear gear will be the day ya'll can again start texting, changing the radio, talking on your cell phone, beating your kids in the back seat, day dreaming or what ever else it is that would pull your attention away from piloting your death machine... Until you catch me not geared up, then perhaps you should pay attention to your own habits rather than mine.
  3. enigami

    Jul 23, 2009
    Preach brother Preach!!!

    I've had a few close calls. Just gotta stay on your toes and always assume everyone else is retarded. I've kicked my fair share of mirrors off cars.
  4. Agent86

    Jun 3, 2003
    Dude, i ride too, CHILL

    all i did is explain why i refuse to joke about it..

    as for living in fear? thats a choice.

    the only thing i fear for is my licence.
  5. slowfox

    Jun 24, 2005
    It's ok no one likes having a small weiner LOL :D
  6. Agent86

    Jun 3, 2003
    Tis ok Slew... your Club card has a lower number than mine..
  7. Daddy

    Feb 6, 2004
    I personally know someone that's been in 3 accidents with a bike, one of them included T-boning a car, and has lived every time. Heck the time he T-boned the car he flew over the top of it, landed in the road, tumbled a couple times, then got up and walked off to the side of the road so he wouldn't get run over by another car. He wears full gear every single time he's on the bike irregardless of destination or temperature. Now that's not to say that gear is ALWAYS going to save the life of a motorcyclist, but it's gotta be better than nothing.

    People that say they don't want to wear gear because they'd rather die than be a vegetable are just looking for an excuse, they just plain don't want to wear gear.
  8. enigami

    Jul 23, 2009
    I personally dont wear gear. I wear a helmet though. You will never catch me riding in shorts or sandels. I havent found a set of gear that feels comfortable and doesnt look completely retarded. Lets face it, im not goin to ride the track and ride at the limits everyday. Also, should I want to ride to meet friends for a bite to eat or go to work riding gear makes it aweful hard not to look like a pole smoker.

    Somethin is better than nothin right.
  9. Cox Abele

    Jan 13, 2004
    Gearing up doesn't mean a full leather tuxedo.
  10. Agent86

    Jun 3, 2003
  11. PrecisionTurboMustang

    Jan 27, 2006
    I am just glad they haven't banned masturbating while driving...if I couldn't text or masturbate, that would be a boring ass ride to work every day.
  12. bgjohnson

    Oct 14, 2004
    Those look pretty nice. I always have my riding jacket, that has armor on the elbows, upper and lower back and shoulders. Gloves with plastic armor and helmet. Along with my steel toed red wing boots. I just need those pants to complete my combo.
  13. Agent86

    Jun 3, 2003
    If you cant get them in the US, let me know and i would be happy to help a brother TTF'er out
  14. Daddy

    Feb 6, 2004

    Yeah I try not to look like a retard when I'm driving my pickup truck either. That's why I wear a big gay Cowboy hat, call everyone "son", and say shit like "yeeee haw".

  15. Cox Abele

    Jan 13, 2004
    mmmmmm.... lot lizards.

    Got to agree with ya on that point though... Considering that a full face helmet COVERS YOUR ENTIRE FACE (and is the safest), who cares who sees you wearing a "goofy" jacket... not like they would recognize you anyhow. Besides, it comes with the territory. You'd receive kudos from most other riders that you are playing it safe, and non riders are more fascinated by your bike than what coat you are wearing.

    It's your decision though, and if you don't feel comfortable wearing gear, nothing is going to change that.
  16. enigami

    Jul 23, 2009
    I dont mean people seeing you while riding, what im talking about is once you reach you destination. Its not like there is a hell of a lot of storage on a bike so taking all that gear off and leaving it with the bike is kinda not possible. The helmet is an easy one as you just take the D ring from the chin strap and slide it onto one of the braces under the solo seat/passenger seat and then lock the seat with your key.
  17. EvilSports

    Jan 3, 2007
    My gear. (Strap on baby is optional)

    I wouldn't go around the block without MINIMUM zip together padded pant/jacket, helmet, boots. I could give a fuck if I look like a moron. Goofy gear looks better than skin grafts.
  18. turboscamp

    Nov 24, 2007
    Since i ride a little too i figure i can chime in. I only ride several hundred miles a year but usually only go a short distances like to town, about seven miles away, just to hang out or eat with friends and ride home and rarely wear more than a light jacket since it always seems to be cold in canada :bang: I do own a Joe Rocket Rasp jacket and don't mind wearing it but never seem to care enough to bother. I think, most importantly, is just to remember every one on the road is a complete retard, oblivious to whats around them and you should be fine. And i admit i do ride in shorts and t shirt but really try to watch out when i do but i know the risks and that i would be safer with gear so i don't need to hear a bunch of preaching about it.
  19. bgjohnson

    Oct 14, 2004
    Agent86- Thanks!

    I like to play a game when I'm driving or riding. Its called " Guess the Retards Next Move". I say what I think is going to happen and about 95% I'm right. Like this morning, knew a guy was going to cut me off since he was in an exit only lane on the interstate, sure enough the space I made was needed.

    Old people really scare the shit out of me though. I was riding along, happy and horny like I usually am. Then from a side street, an old woman pulls out going 20mph. Not sitting ,waiting , then pulled out. I'm talking going down the street and hung a right turn going 20mph without even stopping or looking at the stop sign.

    Not only did she do that, but she didn't hug the right lane closest to the curb, she took the left lane immediately. Car in front of me was forced into oncoming traffic and I had to brake hard to avoid the left rear 1/4 panel. Got up beside her and just a blank look on her face, passenger was scared shitless, driver had no clue what just happened.

    Old people....and asian women drivers....

    Jul 29, 2009
    Saw some asian lady back into a car at CostCo yesterday. For some fucking reason she thought that she, an asian woman, should be trying to BACK into a spot. Hit the car, pulled up 6", got out and looked at the bumper, gave a "oh fuck it" shrug of her shoulders and went inside.
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